Source code for orbits

Implementation of Algorithms 2 and 3 of [Ball2018]_

.. moduleauthor:: Fabian Ball <>

[docs]def compute_orbit_partition(S, n): """ Algorithm to compute the partition of orbits from a set of generators of the permutation group. Data representations are: * Permutation ``pi``: array-like, i.e. ``pi[i]`` corresponds to :math:`i \mapsto i^\pi`, which MUST be hashable * Set of generators ``S``: any container that is iterable repeatedly (e.g. ``list`` or ``set``) * Partition ``O``: array-like, i.e. ``O[i]`` corresponds to the (arbitrary) cluster id of node ``i`` Besides the arbitrariness of cluster ids, this algorithm guarantees that ``O[i] == i`` if ``i`` is the smallest node id/label that is part of this cluster. Worst case time complexity is :math:`O(|S|\cdot n)`. Usage: >>> from sparsepermutation import SparsePermutation >>> from orbits import compute_orbit_partition >>> p1 = SparsePermutation([1, 0, 2, 3, 5, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9]) # (0 1)(4 5) >>> p2 = SparsePermutation([0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 8]) # (8 9) >>> p3 = SparsePermutation([0, 8, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 1, 9]) # (1 8) >>> orbits = compute_orbit_partition([p1, p2, p3], 10) >>> assert orbits == [0, 0, 2, 3, 4, 4, 6, 7, 0, 0] :param S: A bunch of generators for a permutation group :type S: list | set | tuple :param n: The length of the set of elements the generated group acts on :type n: int :return: The partition of orbits of the permutation group :rtype: list """ O = [-1] * n colored = 0 U = set() for i in range(n): if O[i] != -1: continue N = set() colored += _color(O, i, S, i, N, U) if colored == n: return O while N: j = N.pop() colored += _color(O, j, S, i, N, U) if colored == n: return O return O
def _color(O, i, S, col, N, U): """ A procedure that colors node ``i`` and all nodes that can be reached by permutations in ``S``. All newly reached nodes are added to ``N`` and every combination ``(i, pi)`` is added to ``U``. ``O`` is the partial orbit partition that is updated by coloring (= assigning orbit ids) the nodes. :param O: Partial orbit partition, i.e. not all nodes are assigned a cluster id, yet :type O: list :param i: Node id that shall be explored :type i: int :param S: Set of generators :type S: list | set | tuple :param col: The color that shall be used as node id :type col: int :param N: A set of node ids to which nodes on the same orbit as *i* are added :type N: set :param U: A set to keep track of already explored permutations for a given node id :return: The number of nodes that were colored :rtype: int """ if O[i] == -1: O[i] = col colored = 1 else: colored = 0 for pi in S: if (i, pi) in U: continue U.add((i, pi)) j = pi[i] while j != i: if O[j] == -1: O[j] = col N.add(j) colored += 1 U.add((j, pi)) else: assert O[j] == col j = pi[j] return colored