Source code for sparsepermutation

Simple implementation of a sparse permutation datastructure which is more efficient than
saving permutation lists of length ``n`` each.

.. moduleauthor:: Fabian Ball <>

__all__ = ['SparsePermutation']

class SparsePermutationArray(dict):
    Simple implementation of a dict which returns 'identity' if a key is missing.
    This is used to represent a permutation in a sparse way (cycle notation).
    However, no checks are performed in terms of validity of the cycles.

    For internal use only, use ``SparsePermutation`` to create a sparse permutation
    def __missing__(self, key):
        return key

    def __setitem__(self, key, value):
        if key == value:
            if key in self:
            super(SparsePermutationArray, self).__setitem__(key, value)

    def __str__(self):
        # Produce a nice cycle representation
        keys = set(self.keys())
        ret = ''

        while keys:
            k = min(keys)
            cycle = [k]
            img_k = self[k]
            while img_k != k:
                img_k = self[img_k]

            ret += '({})'.format(' '.join(map(str, cycle)))

        return ret

[docs]class SparsePermutation(object): """ A minimal implementation of a sparse permutation that partly mimics the Permutation implementation of ``sympy.combinatorics.Permutation``. Usage: >>> from sparsepermutation import SparsePermutation >>> p = [0, 1, 3, 2] # Permutation (2 3) >>> sp = SparsePermutation(p) # Sparsify >>> q = list(sp) # Convert back to list >>> assert p == q """ def __init__(self, permutation_array): """ Create a sparse permutation given a permutation list of length ``n``. :param permutation_array: Array-like permutation representation :type permutation_array: list | tuple """ self._perm = SparsePermutationArray() self._n = len(permutation_array) # Save the length of the permutation self._support = 0 for k, v in enumerate(permutation_array): if k != v: self._perm[k] = v self._support += 1 # Increase the support count of the permutation def __call__(self, *args): """ Convenient application of this permutation. """ if len(args) == 1: arg = args[0] if isinstance(arg, int): # Return the image return self[arg] else: # Assume an iterable that is indexable, e.g. a list try: t = type(arg) return t([arg[self[i]] for i in range(len(arg))]) except TypeError: raise TypeError('The argument must be iterable and indexable') elif len(args) > 1: # Apply permutation on every argument return tuple(self(arg) for arg in args) else: raise TypeError('No argument given') def __getitem__(self, item): if item >= self._n: raise KeyError(item) else: return self._perm[item] def __iter__(self): for i in range(self._n): yield self._perm[i] def __hash__(self): return hash(tuple(self)) def __str__(self): return str(self._perm) ############# # sympy.combinatorics.Permutation mimics #############
[docs] def length(self): """ :return: The number of affected elements :rtype: int """ return self._support
[docs] def atoms(self): """ :return: The set of elements :rtype: set """ return set(range(self._n))
[docs] def support(self): """ :return: The list of affected elements :rtype: list """ return list(self._perm)
@property def size(self): """ :return: The number of elements the permutation acts on :rtype: int """ return self._n